The Importance of This Foundational Audit

Understanding the current digital presence of Looptworks will help to identify quick-win opportunities, areas of optimization, and prepare the brand for more effective integrated digital marketing efforts.

This audit, while inspired by SEO audits I have conducted previously, is meant to prepare the brand and website for optimized integrated digital marketing efforts.

Brand Assets + visibility

Your Brand SERP

A Snapshot of Your Brand’s Digital Footprint

The quickest way to check a brand’s digital health is with a quick Google search. If everything is healthy and strong, your primary domain should rank first with some site links, with social profiles and content from authoritative websites showing up in the remaining organic results below. If all of these properties are working harmoniously, Google will trigger a Knowledge Panel on the right rail which displays details about the brand, and location information relevant to the searcher’s location. 

If this was a brand physical exam, Looptworks has a clean bill of health!

With that said, there are still opportunities to improve and solidify the brand results being displayed, as well as how Google understands how these various data sources are connected. Here are some quick-fixes that can optimize the brand SERP for Looptworks:

  • Protect your brand! – My analysis shows that Looptworks is not currently running any PPC ads through Google. While it’s understandable pause or postpone PPC advertising for seasonal purposes, a brand should always bid against its own brand search keyword. The high relevancy of the homepage to that keyword is going to make the bid cost very affordable, and will drive up the price for a potential competitor who wishes to bid on your brand name. Build history now and your cost will remain low while competitors may reconsider bidding altogether.
  • Feed Google – Google is transitioning from a search to discovery platform and brands need to stay up-to-date on preferred markup and technical aspects of their spiders and algorithms. JSON-LD was adopted by Google as the preferred structured data markup a few years ago as a way to identify data associated with entities (individuals, companies, products, etc.). Simple CMS plugins will allow you to enter brand information (official logo, headquarters location, hours of operation, etc.) as well as connected webpages and profiles (SameAs markup connects social profiles with the brand) to clarify any misunderstandings Google may have with your brand and its digital assets.
  • What’s Important? – Site links listed below your websites homepage result can provide you a snap shot of what Google believes are you more important or popular pages. An internal linking audit may uncover that pages of lower importance are being accidentally linked-to at a higher rate (likely from a global element like a header or footer) causing Google to surface that page above a cash-cow page, instead. 


Protect Your Brand!

Start bidding on your branded keywords to protect your coveted real estate. With fewer than 100 impressions per day, you could protect “looptworks” for less than $6 per day, assuming a 6.2% CTR. It’s likely to cost less than that once your quality score improves. Seems like a no-brainer.

It will also benefit the brand once it’s ready to begin bidding on non-brand keywords by establishing history for the account and lowering cost per click based on  quality score.

Feed Google

Shopify apps allow you to super-charge your website and THIS app is exactly what you need to feed Google the structured data is needs! Not only will your Knowledge Graph panel become richer, JSON-LD structured data is REQUIRED to integrate into the Google Shopping environment. Win on the organic side, set yourself up for success on the paid side. 

What’s Important?

Conducting an internal link audit is fairly simple with the right tools: Google Search Console or Screaming Frog SEO. Google search console will provide you a 10,000 ft. view with feedback straight from the horse’s mouth. Screaming Frog SEO spider can crawl your site and provide you in-the-weeds internal link data. Both tools help to discover link-sources and give you the information needed to fix the signals.